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This orgasmic, hypnotic recording intertwines the power of hypnosis with the sensual art of poetic expression, commanding you to relinquish control, surrender to your most intimate longings, and unleash the fiery ardor that lies within.


As a discerning individual seeking uncharted pleasure, emotional intensity, and profound sensory awakening, "Alive" beckons you to escape the confines of the ordinary and submerge yourself in a world where fervent fantasies rouse. The recording's lyrical tapestry, woven with metaphors and rhythmic incantations, envelops you in a hypnotic embrace, urging you to let go and submit to the experience with unwavering abandon.


Experience Transformative Potency:


  • Immerse yourself in vivid imagery and sensory spoken details that evoke


  • Surrender to the authoritative yet inviting voice of a seasoned erotic hypnotist guiding you through an escalating symphony of arousal


  • Connect emotionally and experience profound affirmation as you journey through the narrative


  • Embrace the freedom to surrender fully to the vibrations of the sound


"Alive" caters to the secret longing to be intensely desired, relentlessly pursued, and finally claimed by an impassioned partner. The recording's narrative arc builds with an urgent tempo, culminating in an explosive, uninhibited release that leaves you feeling cherished, sated, and crackling with erotic electricity.


The empathetic yet boldly sensual approach of the piece ensures that every moment of this audio odyssey is a soul-stirring and transformative.


Treat yourself to the pinnacle of erotic self-discovery and unbridled passion. Succumb to the irresistible allure of "Alive" and let this poetically crafted orgasm hypnosis experience ignite your senses, awaken your emotions, and propel you to dizzying heights of pleasure and fulfillment. Prepare to surrender, submit, and COME ALIVE.


Feedback for "Alive: Erotic Hypnosis for Orgasm"



"This is a fascinating technique! The combination of erotic verses, peculiarly arranged, had the effect of creating a deep, undulating orgasm at the end of the hypnosis. Because of the suggestion, I listened to it twice in a row. In the secondary experience, I intuitively felt that I would “feel” more in regards to what had just been suggested to my subconscious, and engaged more in my imagination. The “Thank You” at the end is a sweet touch. Thank you as well. ✨❤️"



"Mmmm....drowning in peace was exactly how I was feeling as you said it. I listened twice.. 🥰🥰 So relaxed now. 💖 Your words never miss. 💋💋"



"Beautiful. Every delicious moment. Feel deeply, love. 🥰"

Alive: Orgasm Hypnosis as Erotic Poem

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