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Guide to Erotic Meditation. Pleasure, Desire, and Mindful Orgasm.

Deeper Inside

Erotic Meditation: Pleasure, Desire, and Mindful Orgasm

Are you ready to take your sexual experiences to the next level? If so, you just might be ready for erotic meditation. This practice is designed to help you connect with your body and intensify the sensations you feel during sexual play. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into what erotic meditation is, why you should try it, and how to get started.

erotic meditation

Understanding Erotic Meditation

So, what exactly is erotic meditation? Put simply, it's a meditation practice that involves slowing down and focusing on the sensations you feel in your body. Some people refer to it as mindful sex, sex meditation, meditation masturbation, orgasmic meditation, or tantric masturbation. While these terms may differ slightly in meaning, they all share the same goal - to help you experience deeper, more sensual pleasure by forging a deeper connection with yourself and your body.

Erotic meditation can be practiced alone or with a partner, but it's typically best to start on your own. This will allow you to become more in touch with how the practice works before bringing another person into the mix. Plus, if you're new to the idea of erotic meditation, a partner may be skeptical. By mastering the practice solo, you can show your partner how it works and build trust before exploring together.

Tantric Sex and Erotic Meditation

If you've heard the term "tantric sex" before and are wondering how that fits into the world of erotic meditation, we can clear that up for you. Tantra is an old Indian spiritual practice that emphasizes the mind-body-spirit connection. In the context of sex, tantric sex is about creating a full mind-body-spirit experience, either alone or with a partner. The goal is not necessarily to climax but to experience and connect with sexual energy on a spiritual level.

Benefits of Erotic Meditation

So, why should you try erotic meditation? For starters, it can help you train away your "monkey mind" - that scattered, restless mind that is easily distracted and self-absorbed. When you're able to focus on the sensations in your body, you can move past the monkey mind and deepen your connection to yourself and your pleasure zones.

Furthermore, learning to be present in the moment and focus on your breath can have benefits that extend far beyond the bedroom. The mindfulness skills you learn during erotic meditation can help you deal with stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions in your everyday life. By learning to be more present and attuned to your body, you can improve your overall well-being.

guided erotic meditation

Getting Started with Erotic Meditation

So, how do you get started with erotic meditation? The first step is to set the stage. Create an environment that feels comfortable and conducive to relaxation. This might mean dimming the lights, putting on soft music, or using aromatherapy. Decide what you want to wear or if you prefer to be nude. If you like, you can use erotic audio, a sexy podcast or an erotica book to get yourself in the mood. If you prefer to use sex toys, have them ready.

When you're ready to begin, start by taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. Observe any thoughts or distractions that come up, but don't judge them, just let them pass by. Focus on the sensations in your body, taking your time to explore what feels good and what doesn't. Remember that there's no rush or pressure to reach orgasm - the goal is simply to deepen your connection with your body and your pleasure zones.

Resources for Erotic Meditation

If you're new to erotic meditation, it can be helpful to use guided meditations or other resources to help you get started. For example, the Deeper Inside Your Mind shop provides audio stories, meditations, and erotic hypnosis to help you explore your sexuality in a safe and uplifting way. Other resources include ASMR videos, guided touch meditation, and relaxing music specifically designed for erotic meditation.


In conclusion, erotic meditation is a powerful practice that can help you deepen your connection with your body and your sexuality. By learning to be present in the moment, you can move past distractions and reach new heights of pleasure. We encourage you to try it out and see what benefits it brings to your life. Whether you choose to practice alone or with a partner, erotic meditation has the potential to transform your sexual experiences and enhance your overall well-being.

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